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Welcome to the website for the UK NAVA Trial

This website supports the UK NAVA Trial. This is a multicentre randomised controlled trial to compare Neurally-Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) versus standard care in critically ill patients at risk of prolonged ventilation.


NAVA technology combines neural drive monitoring (NAVA monitoring) with synchronised pressure support (NAVA modetwo sides of one coin.


The trial was inspired by our patients and their families who have asked us to try to improve the way that ventilatory support is provided when people are critically ill. 


The trial is funded by the HTA and supported by the Warwick Clinical Trials Unit. We are part of the CoReCCT Collaboration of Respiratory Trials.



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Collage of close-up male and female eyes isolated on colored neon backgorund. Multicolored

Equality, Diversity
& Inclusion

Retro red telephone on wood table near aquamarine wall background_edited.jpg

NAVA technology -Two sides to one coin ​



"I actually understand this it works... and why it might be so good"

King's Critical Care Pathfinder Group past patient.

"Being dependent on a machine to do something like your breathing is like having your life controlled by someone else. You literally disappear."

King's Critical Care Pathfinder Group past patient.

"As soon as the NAVA was commenced I could immediately see the improvement in my wife's breathing"

King's Critical Care Pathfinder Group Family member

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