Trial Overview
How to deliver the intervention
UK NAVA is testing the effectiveness of neural drive monitoring and neurally-adjusted ventilatory assist.
-The core intervention involves placing nasogastric tube into the patient safely.
-The specialised NGT is then connected to the ventilator and used to display the patient's neural drive which is otherwise invisible. This is used to establish whether a patient is breathing, how hard they are breathing, and how synchronised their breathing is to the current mode.
-Where possible the neural drive can then be used to trigger the pressure support breath, because in theory this should be more synchronised.
-If it is not possible to initiate or continue NAVA pressure support then we just need to know why.

Inclusion criteria
Adult patients
Likely to remain ventilated > 48 hours from randomisation
Acute or chronic medical reason why weaning may be extended
Exclusion criteria
Unlikely to survive >24 hours
Muscle relaxants being used
Contraindication to nasogastric or orogastric tube
Receiving end-of-life care
>24 hours of a support mode
Severe brain injury including braion-stem damage or hypoxic brain injury
Spinal cord or phrenic nerve injury
Quick Guide to using NAVA